This one is in collaboration with many Research Guru's and managed by a
university in Florida. It has plenty of training modules, provides training
certificates, administrator priviledges, and a database to help you keep
track of who's done what. My understanding is that the cost is very minimal.
I believe they we paid something like a $1000 a year with unlimited user
Training also covers IRB, IACUC, and I believe you can customize your
training needs.
Homer Cavazos, MBA
Sharepoint Guru
xIRB,xIACUC,xBCRSC/IBC Coordinator
210-875-3227 (Sprint Cell)
-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of
Sandra D. Garcia
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:32 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] RCR Training Module
We are trying to purchase a RCR( Responsible Conduct in Research) training
module/program for certification. Can anyone recommend a product/program
you use and like?
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