Just wanted to let you know I solved my own problem. Instead of going through the basic search screen and putting in the funding op #, I tried going through Apply for Grants screen and was able to download the application through there. Don't ask me why it worked when the other one wouldn't...
>>> Beryline Temples <xxxxxx@UCA.EDU> 4/2/2009 1:18 PM >>>
Is anybody else having problems downloading applications from Grants.gov today? I have been trying to download W911NF-09-R-0003 since 9 this morning with no luck at all. When I click on the Application link I just get a blank page and I've tried it in IE and Firefox with the same results.
Beryline Temples
Sponsored Programs Administrator
Sponsored Programs Office
University of Central Arkansas
201 Donaghey Avenue
Torreyson Library 324
Conway, AR 72035-0001
phone: (501) 450-3451
fax: (501) 450-5339
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