Re: question i should know the answer to but don't
Kris A. Monahan 02 Apr 2009 13:07 EST
I agree with Maggie. I see this issue similar to conflict of interest in
many ways. Your institution must provide the mechanism(policies and
procedures) for reporting and then send an annual report to ORI. There is
no way to know or can an organization assure that each individual is
actually disclosing. What an institution can do is have a policy that
protects whistleblowers and educate researchers on their ethical
responsibilities to report misconduct and are dealing with the cases.
Research Administration Discussion List <> writes:
>Thank you...Does the regulation obligate the reporting of the misconduct
>by someone who SUSPECTS?
>I'm inquiring about the duty or requirement of a researcher or other
>"whistleblower" to report. Does PHS require this? Does the institution
>have to promise that IT will make its folks report? �
>Kind regards,
>Theresa Defino
>Report on Research Compliance
>Sample issue:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Karyn Langguth <xxxxxx@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US>
>Sent: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 1:22 pm
>Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] question i should know the answer to but don't
>If the research is funded by PHS funds, then yes, under 42 CFR 93, the
>institution receiving the funds is obligated to report, etc and required
>have institutional policies. It's one of the assurances that either must
>be on file with ORI or must be included with the forms that get submitted
Kris A. Monahan
Director of Pre-Award Services
Wellesley Centers for Women
e-mail: Phone: 781 283-2508
Wellesley College 106 Central Street Wellesley, MA 02481-8203
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