Re: error Participant/trainee Cummulative exceeds 999 Bob Beattie 09 Mar 2009 10:39 EST

I thought that an R01 should have no (0) trainees.  We had this exact
same message.  Took out the trainees data and proposal went in with
no trouble.

I think this is a real error.

Robert Beattie

On Mar 8, 2009, at 10:47 AM, Bonnie Morton wrote:

Has anyone else received this error?  It is referring to the total
number of
trainees in the participant stipend area.  This number was included
in the
subcontract RR Budget.  It is a R01 resubmissions.  Any thoughts are
comments are appreciated.

Error:Schema validation failed
DefaultValidationHandler found 2 problems:
 2 Errors:
 1: (line 2 column 35061) cvc-maxInclusive-valid: Value
'1006' is not
facet-valid with respect to maxInclusive '999' for
type '#AnonType_CumulativeNoofTraineesCumulativeTraineeBudgetSummaryRR
 2: (line 2 column 35061) cvc-type.3.1.3: The value '1006' of
element 'RR_Budget:CumulativeNoofTrainees' is not valid.

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