Re: CRA exam and mentors at Duke
Phillip Grosshans 05 Feb 2009 12:56 EST
A few things to note:
1) The RACC will be offering full-day CRA review session at the North
Carolina Society of Research Administrator's annual meeting. Also, NCSRA
has several sessions aimed at orientation to the field, including the CRA.
Registration for RACC is on their website: <>
Details and Registration for NCSRA is at:
NCSRA is also offering two of SRA's Certificate programs this year in their
entirety: The Financial Management Certificate and The Practice of Research
Administration Certificate.
2) Duke University has ongoing internal study groups for the CRA. A new
round just started up. Contact Kim Fogg at RCC to join.
Hope that helps,
Phillip Grosshans
NC-SRA President-Elect
Phillip Grosshans
Assistant Director
Office of Research Support
Duke University
2200 W. Main St., Ste. 710
Durham, NC 27705
919-681-5132 (phone)
919-684-2418 (fax)
--On Thursday, February 05, 2009 12:19 PM -0500 Jason A Popp
<xxxxxx@DUKE.EDU> wrote:
> I'm interested in learning more about the Certified Research
> Administrator exam. I'd also like to find a mentor at Duke who could help
> me prepare exam. Could anyone help me with this?
> I'd really appreciate it.
> Best Regards,
> Jason Popp
> Duke University School of Medicine
> 1149 Davison
> Durham, NC 27710
> (919)668-0899
> Fax (919)681-7533
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