Re: Fly America Act Uhlenkamp, Susan M. 14 Jan 2009 18:01 EST

There is in fact such a regulation.  If you Google on Fly America Act,
you will find many institutions and govt bodies policies on this.  And
the regulation itself.  There are exceptions to requiring the use of an
American carrier, but generally that's the requirement.

Susan M. Uhlenkamp | Research Controller | Mayo Clinic Research Finance
| 507-284-5773 |  Secretary: 507-266-0064 |
Mayo Clinic | 200 First Street S.W. | Rochester, MN 55905 |

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Lori Hulak
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 4:28 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Fly America Act

Good afternoon fellow RA's -

Is there a federal regulation called the Fly America Act that requires
travel charged to federal grants be done on an american carrier?

I have received this email from a faculty member at my institution:

"Our current program manager's assistant said that she'd never heard of
such a requirement, and checked with someone else there who hadn't
either.  She gave us the name of a third person who should be the
definitive word on the subject.  This person is currently travelling on
the West Coast so I am emailing her now."

I would appreciate any and all feedback as soon as possible :)


Lori B. Hulak, BA, CRA
Specialist, Grant Writer
Jefferson College of Health Sciences
920 S. Jefferson Street
Roanoke, VA 24031-3186
Phone (540) 985-8206

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