Re: Fringe Benefits on Overtime????
Marie Smith 11 Dec 2008 19:31 EST
We charge full f/b rate (31.5%) to salaries and a lower rate (11%) to overtime wages. That is the same rate we charge to part time wages.
Marie F. Smith, CRA
Grant Administrator/Compliance Officer
2801 Sharon Turnpike, PO Box AB
Millbrook, NY 12545
Tel: 845-677-7600 x202
Fax: 845-677-5976
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Ashley Vizurraga [xxxxxx@MLML.CALSTATE.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 6:59 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Fringe Benefits on Overtime????
I'm curious if any of your research foundations or office of sponsored
programs have a separate fringe pool for overtime. I'm trying to pull
a comparison together of various research organizations that do this
and implement a different rate than their full fringe rate.
For example a full-time research employee working full time would have
a benefit rate of 36.7%, and their overtime rate would be 12.1%.
I've also heard of some organizations charging the same full fringe
rate to the overtime salary pool but only charging a percentage of
gross overtime salary (i.e. 23% of total overtime salary in pool is
only charged the 36.%).
Are any of you managing your overtime hours in this manner?
I could use your insight or suggestions with best practices.
Thank you.
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