Re: F&A Calculation Question Kim A Pachetti 14 Nov 2008 11:23 EST

sandra, you may also find the ncura pui and pre-award listservs
beneficial -- excellent resources!

Quoting "Shriver, Sandra" <xxxxxx@FAIRMONTSTATE.EDU>:

> Thank you so very much for your quick reply and assistance!  I
> appreciate your insight and knowledge.
> I was very happy to have found out about this listserv.  This has been a
> great resource for me in just a few short minutes.  So, I am sure that
> it will be invaluable to me in the future!
> Sandy
> From: Research Administration List [] On
> Behalf Of Carolyn Elliott-Farino
> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 10:48 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] F&A Calculation Question
> Sandy,
> You use the rate approved for the project, which may differ from your
> negotiated rate, as it did here. If you were to use your negotiated
> rate, you would use the rate in effect at the time the award was made
> for the duration of the project. In this case, you have an approved
> project rate and that is the rate to use for the project. So yes, you
> are correct to use 15% of total expenses.
> Welcome to the listserve. If you find it half as helpful as have I, you
> will be mightily happy!
> Carolyn Elliott-Farino
> Director, Contracts and Grants Administration
> Kennesaw State University, Office of Grants and Contracts
> 1000 Chastain Road MD 0111,  KH Bldg 1 Rm 3419
> Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591
> Phone:  770.423.6381
> Fax:  770.499.3620
>>>> xxxxxx@FAIRMONTSTATE.EDU 11/14 10:18 AM >>>
> Hello All,
> I am new to this listserv and just joined today.  Our Office is
> relatively new (created in mid-2005).  I have worked at this institution
> for 14 years, but only the past 3 have been with grants administration,
> so we are still learning.  We have a current issue for which we need
> clarification:
> We have a USDA award that is now ending.  The F&A rate approved by USDA
> is 15% of total expenses.  At the time this award was received, our
> institutional F&A rate was 50% of salary/fringes only.
> Since USDA approved 15% of "total" expenses, were we correct in using
> that calculation over the award performance period?  Or should we have
> used 15% of "salary/fringes" only?  Since we are now closing out this
> award, I want to make sure that we adjust the budget and reimburse the
> sponsor immediately if needed.
> Any insight that can be offered will be great appreciated.
> Cordially,
> Sandy Shriver
> Director
> Office of Research and Graduate Studies
> 1201 Locust Avenue
> Fairmont, WV  26554
> 304-367-4684 (phone)
> 304-367-4959 (fax)
> "Peace is watching a sunrise and knowing Who created it."
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Kim A. Pachetti, Ed.M., C.R.A.
Associate Director
Research Administration
Office of the Vice Provost
20 Professors Row
Medford, MA  02155
Phone:  617-627-4274
Fax:  617-627-3673

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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