F&A Calculation Question Sandy Shriver 13 Nov 2008 10:31 EST

Hello All,

I am new to this listserv and just joined today.  Our Office is relatively new
(created in mid-2005).  I have worked at this institution for 14 years, but
have been in grants administration for only the past 3 years.  We are still

We have a current issue for which we need clarification:

We have a USDA award that is now ending.  The F&A rate approved by USDA
is 15% of total expenses.  At the time this award was received, our approved
institutional F&A rate was 50% of salary/fringes only.

Since USDA approved 15% of “total” expenses for that award, were we
correct in using that calculation during the award performance period?  Or
should we have used 15% of “salary/fringes” only?

Since we are now closing out this award, I want to make sure that we adjust
the budget and reimburse the sponsor immediately if needed.

Any insight that can be offered will be great appreciated!


Sandy Shriver
Office of Research and Graduate Studies
1201 Locust Avenue
Fairmont, WV  26554
304-367-4684 (phone)
304-367-4959 (fax)

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