Re: Adobe 9.0 pro the ultimate solution? Bob Beattie 22 Oct 2008 12:51 EST

I  have considered that, but I would be hesitant to spend money on a
system until I was closer to needing it.  Between now and January
there could even be a new  version of Pro available.  We saw how fast
8.0 went to 9.0, less than a year.  Many still have a version of Pro
7 running.

Even if there were not a new version of Pro available, I wonder why
the need to get Pro 9.  Reader 9 works fine and is free.  Older
versions of Pro are good for making .pdf files to attach, or editing
them.  There are other ways to make .pdf files, too.  It is important
that users understand how their computers move between versions, what
are defaults and what needs to be when downloading.  If this is a
problem for folks, then it might  be necessary to get Pro, and remove

A year ago, and Adobe were not in sync, however, now I
believe that Adobe keeps the G.g staff in the know about
developments.  I am confident that we will be told about any changes
in time to implement them.

Is it possible to submit NIH applications to a testing site?

Division of Research Development and Administration
University of Michigan   (734) 936-1283

On Oct 22, 2008, at 1:04 PM, Michael Nguyen wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

I know many of us are having to deal with the potential of juggling
between pro and reader for the Adobe transition.  It seems
natural that people will just want to upgrade to Pro 9.0 to remedy
any potential problems.

Has anyone done any thorough testing to make sure this is the best
solution?  It seems hard to do without actual SF424 packages to
submit.  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Michael Nguyen
Electronic Research Administrator
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

p 206.667.6925
f  206.667.6221

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