Re: Cost-share requirement question Kristy Ford 16 Oct 2008 16:23 EST

Yes, the cost-share must be met.  She may not like it, but she will have to have 20% of her salary cost-shared and the remaining 80% paid for by the grant.  Being that it is Dept. of Ed. funding, stick to your guns!  You are right on this.


Kristy Ford
Grant Management Manager
Financial Reporting Administration
Memorial University Medical Center
Savannah, GA  31404

>>> "Chin, Jenifer" <xxxxxx@APSU.EDU> 10/16/2008 4:55 PM >>>
I have a SSS-TRiO program director claiming she is no longer responsible for the cost-share the institution offered up in the proposal application in 2005.  The original director was a faculty member and wrote in the application that 20% of her salary would be offered as cost-share to the project.  The new director is not faculty and is fully paid from the Dept. of Ed funded grant.  I am telling her she is still required to report the cost-share because it was written in the application and her award letter states "The amount of non-federal funds the recipient must contribute to the project as identified in the recipient's application.  When non-federal funds are identified by the recipient where a cost share is not a legislation requirement, the recipient will be required to provide the non-federal funds."  Am I correct in telling her she must still report the cost-share that was offered in the original application?

Jenifer R. Chin, CRA
Interim Director
Grants and Sponsored Research
Austin Peay State University
(p) 931-221-7881; (f) 931-221-7304

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