Re: bless them (no one else will) Charlie Hathaway 01 Oct 2008 16:15 EST

Yes...and I was furious because Gg initially sent an email saying there
were "unidentified errors", which was not true.  What WAS true was that Gg
had lost the application for a while.  So, we had 2 people going over the
application trying to find the mistakes, and for 2 days (!!) Gg clings to
this story of errors.  Eventually we submit a new application that flied
thru to NIH Commons without errors.  Within 30 min of this, the original
submission popped out of the Gg dungeons and also lands on Commons.  Of
course, this one has the NIH error that there is already a similar one
there.  Solution? Remove the 2nd one, obviously.  UNFORTUNATELY...the
original submission (arriving 2nd) corrupted the later submission
(arriving 1st) and we had to submit a 3rd.  This required compassionate
NIH Commons people assisting with the removal of the 2 corrupted ones.

The part of this story I will always remember is how the Gg person, after
hearing my venom, asked if I wished to file a "complaint".  I said ok and
she asked me for my complaint.  So I tried to repeat my hysteria.
THEN...she read back to me what I had said!  She'd been typing it all!  I
think she even edited out the bad grammar and bad words.  I hung up
laughing and crying.


> Yesterday I received  an error message for a proposal we submitted --
> needed to be corrected and the proposal resubmitted.  While I was working
> with to figure out the error (what a debacle that was ..) an
> email
> came in saying the proposal had been received and validated.  Has this
> happened to anyone else?   Just curious.
> Thanks to everyone who responded regarding their confirmation response
> time
> yesterday.
> -gwen
> Gwendolyn Logan Gennaro
> Director
> Office of Sponsored Programs
> University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
> 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
> Colorado Springs, CO  80918
> (p) 719-262-3153
> (f) 719-262-3706
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