Effective August 1, 2008, Mr. Steven Kahn has retired from Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. Please forward all business correspondence to Kathleen Dodd, the new Department Administrator for Epidemiology.
Kathleen can be contacted at:
Tel: 212-305-0695
Steve will continue to receive personal emails at this email address.
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From: Zoya Hamilton <xxxxxx@TUFTS.EDU>
Subject: [RESADM-L] R01/R21
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Dear Colleagues,
What do you think about submitting an R21 to do preliminary work for a
project that is also being submitted as an R01 proposal? In my opinion,
the R01 application is probably not strong enough at this time to be
submitted (which is evidenced by the fact that it was not funded on the
first try), and the only one that needs to be sent is an R21. However, I
don't see any formal prohibition to submit both an R01 and an R21 as
long as they are for different parts of the project. Also, the R21
proposal has to be of new, exploratory and developmental nature. Do you
Zoya Hamilton, CRA
Sr. Associate Director, Research Administration
Office of the Vice Provost
Tufts University
Tel (617) 636-6709
Fax (617) 636-2917
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