Teaching Hospitals - Budgeting for Research Revenue
Joe Lever 18 Aug 2008 21:18 EST
I am wondering how others who work at teaching hospitals handle the
physician/practice budgets when involving sponsored projects. Conservatism
tells me you would not include, for instance, any pending proposal at the
time the physician budget is being prepared because we do not yet have the
NOA, and in some cases, we do not even have a priority score. In addition,
the NIH will not award it until next fiscal year and if we budgeted for
$90,000 on a K08 that has been submitted for the first time for the next
FY09 budget (running on the same federal government fiscal year), and it was
not due to start until 04/01/09 and its status is not known, it should not
be included as research revenue as portion of the budgeted figures.
How are others handling this? Especially with the uncertainty of the
federal budget; change of administrations upcoming; and the lateness of
Congress and a new administration to pass a timely budget. So, essentially
any proposal for the period 10/01/08 - 09/30/09 as of now is not known for
certain would be funded until NOA is received which may not happen until
many months into the fiscal year.
How are others handling? Suggestions please?
Joe Lever, MBA, MPH
Director of Sponsored Programs
Medicine Administration
Boise, Idaho
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