Re: Internal deadlines and processing times Ballard, Gamaliel L. 05 Aug 2008 17:34 EST

Charlie, as Peter mentioned earlier our office sends out a review and
submission schedule monthly. This gives us in Grants Management and
faculty campus wide an early indication of the workload for the month
and helps us set timelines for obtaining LOIs and schedule for
submitting proposals. We still get a few last minute surprise proposals
but we try to minimize this activity as much as possible.

Gamaliel L. Ballard (Beenie)
Grants Management
Meharry Medical College
1005 Dr. D.B. Todd Jr. Blvd.
Nashville, TN 37208
Tel:  615 327 6703
Fax: 615 327 6716

Better early preparation than late hurry.

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Nonn, Lidia
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Internal deadlines and processing times


As the pre-award office, we've had to resort the first come, first serve
policy a few times and its worked well, mostly. We try to coordinate
campus pre-submission reviews when possible as an effort to save
everyone time and potential headaches.

The 'punishment' for giving me a proposal after the internal campus
deadline (usually the day its due to the sponsor) and we're truly too
swamped to route, is that the faculty must route the paperwork
themselves and acquire all needed signatures. I've rarely needed to
enforce this policy. If your pre-award office decides to relinquish this
control, be careful as its come back to bite us, only once, when the
PI's clerical staff (who has gone thru this before) assumed the person
who last signed off would also make copies and mail out the proposal, in
our case the Provost - they missed the sponsor's deadline.

In the end they apologize, send us their thanks but unfortunately forget
the pain the next time they submit a proposal, late, as usual.

Lidia Nonn, Director
Institute for Research
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive WH 303A
Green Bay, WI 54311-7001
920.465.2565 or  920.465.2784 (Office)
920.465.2043 (Fax)
The ultimate responsibility of a pilot is to fulfill
 the dreams of the countless millions of earthbound
 ancestors who could only stare skyward . . .  and wish.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Charlie Hathaway
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Internal deadlines and processing times

Thanks everyone for responding.  The almost consensus is that guaranteed
turnaround times are not a good idea.

As for the rationale behind and the (lack of) enforcement of internal
deadlines...maybe we just need to hear every few months or so that
behavior never meets expectations...anywhere!

I am curious about Peter's preaward officers processing applications in
the order received.  Could this be model of justice I have thirst for?
The image of a line full of ardent, foot-tapping, clock watching PIs
holding manila folders fills me with hope.


> The director of our preaward office circulates a list each month that
> shows the names of faculty members planning to submit applications,
> sponsor's deadline, the preaward officer assigned to process the
> and the internal deadline for submission.  If nothing else, this makes
> the point to each PI that their application is not the only one being
> submitted for a given deadline; it also alarms investigators who
> notifed the OSP of their intent to submit--"You left me off the list!"
> As for the turnaround time--each preaward officer processes
> in the order he or she receives them.  We make no promises on
> time because it depends on where you stand in line, and the condition
> which you submit the application.
> ****************************************************************
> Peter J. Dolce, Ph.D.
> Associate Vice President for Research
> Grants Management and Compliance
> 1005 D. B. Todd Boulevard
> Meharry Medical College
> Nashville, TN  37208
> Phone 615 327 6237
> Fax 615 327 6716
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Research Administration List [] On
> Behalf Of Schier-Happell, Suzanne E
> Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 1:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Internal deadlines and processing times
> What a timely discussion!
> Our office just narrowly avoided a true fiasco last week with a couple
> of ACS proposals that we didn't have final drafts of until the day
> before they were due, and by that time it was nearly impossible to get
> the needed signatures (especially during the summer when people are on
> vacation).
> That has prompted our office to begin a discussion about enacting an
> internal deadline like the ones being discussed here. We currently
> no stated policy regarding how far in advance PI's need to get their
> proposals to us, which means that we often (usually?) receive them at
> the eleventh hour.
> We realize that such a deadline is fully unenforceable, and of course
> would never refuse to assist anyone who has something to submit, no
> matter how late it arrives in our office. However, putting an official
> deadline out there would clearly show PI's that submitting at the last
> minute is at their own risk, and that our ability to get the required
> signatures is not guaranteed if they come in after the internal
> deadline.
> Right now there is no such understanding, and it puts a lot of
> on us from multiple directions--from the PI, who expects us to get his
> or her proposal submitted successfully, and from the school officials
> whose signatures are needed, who have busy schedules and don't always
> appreciate our asking them to drop everything to review and sign a
> proposal at the last minute.
> If only the deadline fairy would come and grant us one wish--to make
> everyone submit their proposals chronically early!
> But yes, five days sounds great to me. I think that may be a policy we
> adopt before the start of the new school year.
> Best regards,
> Suzanne Happell
> Assistant Director of Sponsored Programs
> Otterbein College
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Research Administration List [] On
> Behalf Of Charlie Hathaway
> Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 1:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: [RESADM-L] Internal deadlines and processing times
> I have a meeting in an hour.  I'd like to be able to say that most
> OSPs do __________________.
> So...super quick survey:  We have all discussed how many days before
> a deadline we expect to see proposals/forms submitted for internal
> approvals.  And we have all (+/-) agreed that you do everything you
> can to get every proposal out the door regardless of violation of
> internal deadlines.  I understand that the job demands extraordinary
> effort and flexibility to get everything done on time...but
> Question: Do you have a policy saying that a proposal will be
> reviewed and approved within a specific time frame following
> submission of paperwork?  Or do you just tell people "You will get it
> back in time to submit!"
> thanks
> Charlie Hathaway
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