Re: Internal deadlines and processing times Madhavi Chokshi 05 Aug 2008 12:51 EST

We also have no specific policy - however, we try to see that the turnaround time is no more than three weeks maximum.

Madhavi (Maddy) Chokshi
Information Specialist
University of Central Florida
Office of Research & Commercialization
12201 Research Parkway
Suite 501
Orlando, FL 32826-3252
Phone: 407.882.1141
Fax: 407.882.1156

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>>> Pamela Tazik <xxxxxx@DOR.UMSMED.EDU> 8/5/2008 1:33 PM >>>
We have no policy specifying turnaround time on proposal approvals...Pam

Pamela Tazik
Director, Sponsored Programs
Univ. of Mississippi Medical Center
Phone 601/ 815-5007
Fax  601/815-5010

>>> Charlie Hathaway <xxxxxx@AECOM.YU.EDU> 8/5/2008 12:22 PM >>>
I have a meeting in an hour.  I'd like to be able to say that most
OSPs do __________________.

So...super quick survey:  We have all discussed how many days before
a deadline we expect to see proposals/forms submitted for internal
approvals.  And we have all (+/-) agreed that you do everything you
can to get every proposal out the door regardless of violation of
internal deadlines.  I understand that the job demands extraordinary
effort and flexibility to get everything done on time...but

Question: Do you have a policy saying that a proposal will be
reviewed and approved within a specific time frame following
submission of paperwork?  Or do you just tell people "You will get it
back in time to submit!"


Charlie Hathaway

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