Re: NSF Salary Advice Needed
Kristy Ford 05 Aug 2008 10:18 EST
There is no way I would allow that. Even if the program officer says it's okay, an auditor would not. You need to think like an auditor in this situation. If NSF guidelines say no greater than 2/9, do not go over 2/9. The supplemental stipend sounds like a back-door way to get around having to follow the guidelines, which will also be noticed by an auditor. Another issue is with the increase in indirects. You would have to completely re-budget your directs in order to make up for the increase in the indirects, so you do not exceed the award total. I think you should stand firm and say no.
Kristy Ford
Grant Management Manager
Financial Reporting Administration
Memorial University Medical Center
Savannah, GA 31404
>>> JCU Director of Sponsored Research <xxxxxx@JCU.EDU> 8/5/2008 10:17 AM >>>
We are in the second year of an NSF funded grant under the Elementary,
Secondary & Informal Education program. Our PI is arguing for a revised
budget which would allow a 3 month summer salary (and would subsequently
increase the fringe benefit direct cost and increase the indirect cost of
the grant) which is an increase from the 2 month summer salary in the funded
budget. The PI says that the NSF program officer agreed to this because the
PI can transfer funds from one category to another. When we questioned
whether this violates the NSF 2/9ths summer salary rule, the explanation
from the program officer as communicated through the PI was that the two
months could be based on actual salary and the third month can be considered
a supplemental stipend. In another scenario using the same reasoning, 3.5
months of salary was proposed although this goes contrary to our university
Since we are a small PUI and our faculty member is acting more as a project
director than a principal investigator, I can see where the 2/9ths summer
salary wouldn't necessary apply.
Would an email from the NSF program officer authorizing this situation be
acceptable to your university to approve the revised budget for 3 months
summer salary on this type of NSF grant?
Any advice?
Catherine T. Anson, MA, CRA, CIM
Director of Sponsored Research
John Carroll University, AD 250
University Heights, OH 44118-4581
TEL: 216-397-4520 | FAX: 216-397-3089
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