Re: Fly America Act Jim Machado 26 Jul 2008 09:10 EST

I fully understand what the Act is about.  My PIs, recently, tell me, and show
me their travel estimates for prior approval (we require for all foreign travel
before the travel takes place) and show foreign carriers are much less
expensive than American carriers.

I explain to them if they're not able to fully document the waiver which would
allow them to fly on a non US flag carrier due to the criteria specifically
outlinned, then they must use the American carrier, regardless of cost as it's
the rule and I explain why the rule exists (keeping American dollars within
America, in a nutshell).

Most of the trouble recently has been with those who are awarded Career
Development Awards or those who are part of NRSA training grants.  There's
simply not enough money available for this expensive travel.

That being said, has anyone gone back to the awarding institute and
requested additional money to cover the foreign travel, given current
economic conditions, and to remain in compliance with the Fly America Act,
able to have their travel budgets increased?

I know it always can't hurt to ask if the justificatikon is strong for additional
funds, but I wanted to see how others were handling that paritcular issue -
not necessarily the Fly America Act itself as I already and aware of the
regulations involving it.

Thanks - I hope I clarified a bit?

Thanks for your help.

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