Re: Letters of Support/Signatures Charlie Hathaway 24 Jul 2008 09:16 EST

I think this is a comfort level and case-by-case decision.  I have advised
faculty to consider the perceptions of reviewers, i.e. what is important
here....the substance of the "support" statement?  or the letterhead and
original signature?
Is there a credibility issue?  If so, then you might need the signatures.
I have seen people include emails as support letters.


> Good Morning All,
> During the summer months when so many people are off campus, how do you
> handle letters of support? For example, a chair needs to provide a letter
> of
> support for a faculty member's grant application and neither are on
> campus.
> What do you do about original signatures?
> Thanks in advance
> Maria
> Maria Montoro Edwards M.A.,CRA
> Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
> Marywood University
> 2300 Adams Avenue
> Scranton, PA  18509
> (570) 961-4775
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