Call for Articles to the NCURA RMR journal Pamela T. Plotkin 03 Jul 2008 15:07 EST
/Research Management Review, /official/ /journal of the National Council
of University Research Administrators,/ /is a scholarly peer-reviewed
publication focused on a broad range of issues affecting the
administration of academic research.  It provides a forum for the
dissemination of knowledge about the political, economic, legal and
social aspects of research administration.

We welcome contributions of original manuscripts to the Research
Management Review (RMR), covering any aspect of research administration,
in multiple formats:  articles, notes, opinion pieces/essays, case
studies and editorials.

The RMR is published semi-annually.  The deadline for submissions to the
Fall/Winter issue is September 1, 2008.  //Please see the attached Call
for Articles for further information.

Enjoy the 4th of July holiday - in between barbecues this weekend, write
a manuscript for submission!



Pamela Plotkin, Ph.D.
Deputy Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Cornell University
373 Pine Tree Road
East Hill Plaza
Ithaca, NY 14850-2820

Editor, Research Management Review

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")