NIH eRA Commons Federal Identifier warning Adrienne Blalack 02 Jul 2008 08:39 EST

We received the following warning (not an error) for a Resubmission we
submitted to NIH.

"The prior grant entered as the Federal Identifier (SF 424 RR Cover page) is
not associated with the eRA Commons account for this PI. If this application
involves a change of PI, please indicate 'Change of PI' on the PHS 398
Checklist page. If this is not a change of PI, this application will be received
by the agency, but may be returned after internal processing. - Warning"

I double-checked -- the format of the Federal Identifier was correct
(CA123456) and the previous proposal is indeed associated with this PI's
Commons account. Have any of you seen this warning or know if it is a true
problem? It appears to be a new glitch as we only recall seeing it recently. I
can contact the eRA Commons help desk, but I thought I would ask the
listserv first.

Thanks for your help!
Adrienne Blalack, CRA
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

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