Re: Donated time on Budgets and Justifications Kristy Ford 24 Jun 2008 16:25 EST

When you include donated time to a project on a proposal budget and are then awarded, that "donated" time becomes mandatory voluntary cost-sharing, which is subject to audit.  If the sponsor does not require cost-sharing/matching, do not include that voluntary (donated) time on the proposal budget or anywhere else in the proposal.  Often times principal investigators/project directors and other key personnel spend more time on the project than what is in the budget.  However, if you do not specifically state that to the sponsor, you are not accountable for time and effort on that donated time.  It's safer to not include it in the proposal when it is not required.


Kristy Ford
Grant Management Manager
Memorial University Medical Center
Savannah, GA  31404

>>> Michelle Wrenn <xxxxxx@KP.ORG> 6/24/2008 4:25 PM >>>
All:  We are debating here about how and when to list Donated time on
budgets and/or justifications.

I have always included all donated time on budgets (while leaving the
salary totals at $0) and on justifications in order to effectively show
effort devoted to the project even when we are not requesting actual funds
for that time.  I have seen this done from other insitutions as well.

Recently however, I am hearing more often that sponsors do not want to see
the effort for donated time or in fact, won't allow that time listed on
the budget.

I cannot find any guidance on this in the PHS or 424 instructions.   Has
anyone had any experience with this situation?  If there is any formal
guidance on this I would love to see the documentation.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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