Re: incentive fund for PI
Judy L Bristow 20 Jun 2008 13:24 EST
Our institution returns 10% of the expenses that are eligible for F&A to the PI and any Co-Is (based upon percent collaboration) on a monthly basis following the closeout process. An additional 10% is returned to the departmental chair(s). The funds must be used to support research infrastructure and an annual report to the EVPR is required showing how the departmental funds were used and plans for use of any remaining balance.
Judy L. Bristow
Director, Grants Management
Office of the Executive
Vice-President for Research
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
(502) 852-3788 (Phone)
(502) 852-2594 (Fax)
>>> Sandra Gayk <xxxxxx@NMU.EDU> 6/20/2008 1:58 PM >>>
Dear Colleagues:
Do any of your institutions allow for a PI to retain a certain percentage of
the F&A or( indirects or overhead) as a result of a funded project? Some
call it a PI Incentive Fund. I am interested in learning how others handle
this fund:
. Must the PI have requested full overhead allowed in order to get
their share (incentive fund)?
. What % does the PI get?
. How is this incentive fund handled and monitored? Is any there
oversight over the fund or any restrictions?
. Do you have a policy on this that you can send to me?
Many thanks,
Sandra S. Gayk, M. S., Grants Coordinator
Grants and Research Office
Northern Michigan University
1401 Presque Isle
Marquette, MI 49855
906-227-2108 fax
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