Re: question re: PDF appl pkgs in -- anyone else seeing a filetype of 7.0 and an "opens with 8.1" on the properties?
beattie@xxxxxx 06 Jun 2008 17:07 EST
You can use the 7.0 for making .pdf files to attach to applications
BUT do not open and prepare, or submit applications with it.
Make Reader 8.1.2 the default to open files. If you are running on a
Non-MAC whichever program is open when you then open the application
will be the program which will open the application. Windows seems to
let you open only one or the other. On a Mac you can open both. So
make reader the default and be sure 7.0 is not open when you start
working on the application.
I would say that you should just get rid of 7.0 and upgrade to Pro
8.1.2 but that might be expensive. Do it if you can afford it.
Robert Beattie
University of Michigan
Quoting "Tuttle, Paul" <xxxxxx@WSSU.EDU>:
> Good afternoon,
> I have Adobe Acrobat Standard 7.0 (the full suite) and Adobe Reader
> 8.1.2 on my computer. When downloading PDF application packages from
>, I find the following in the properties of each package, per
> the screenshot below my signature:
> The "Type of File" is Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Document, but the "Opens with:"
> is Adobe Reader 8.1.
> Here are my questions:
> 1. Does this mean that has created files in Adobe
> Acrobat 7.0 but defaulted them to open in Reader 8.1, or have my
> computer's settings caused the application packages' properties to
> change? [And of course, does this mean the downloaded package is now
> corrupted and unusable?]
> 2. Does this mean that I will need to purchase the Adobe Acrobat
> 8.0 full suite?
> 3. Does this mean that will not accept an application
> package with these properties?
> [NOTE: I already have sent an email to and have
> received an automated response. I am also asking my questions of you
> because the application package noted below is due Monday.]
> Thanks for any and all assistance,
> Paul
> Paul Eduard Tuttle, Associate Director
> Office of Sponsored Programs
> Room C125A, Anderson Center
> Winston-Salem State University
> Winston-Salem, NC 27110
> direct: (336) 750-3019
> office: (336) 750-2410
> fax: (336) 750-2412
> email:
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