Re: DUNS numbers Robyn B. Remotigue 05 Jun 2008 11:30 EST

Carolyn is right.  This can cause great difficulties for an institution.  Years ago we found out that we have more than one on file and it caused delay in us receiving a major award from the government.  We had to work with the CCR folks to get it corrected.
Hope this helps.

Robyn B. Remotigue, CRA
Assistant Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
P.O. Box 6156
Mississippi State, MS  39762

449 Hardy Road
133 Etheredge Hall
Mississippi State, MS  39762

662.325.3803  FAX

>>> Carolyn Elliott-Farino <xxxxxx@KENNESAW.EDU> 6/5/2008 11:11 AM >>>
My two cents:

You don't want multiple DUNS for one EIN. For some reason we have
several DUNS and this causes confusion and misreporting and we have to
be careful to use the correct DUNS. If you've got an entity with a
separate EIN, then a separate DUNS is in order.  I think you want one
DUNS per applicant, so unless your different divisions are legal
applicants, stick to one DUNS. Why would you want separate DUNS?

Perhaps someone else can offer sager advice than mine; I would be
interested in hearing about others' experiences with DUNS.

>>> xxxxxx@JAEB.ORG 6/5/2008 11:50:49 AM >>>

I thought that since the DUNS is linked to the FEID in the CCR for you had to have a unique DUNS.  Seems to be multiple
could cause reporting problems later when FFATA gets going.

Lesley S. Zajac
Director, Research Administration
Jaeb Center for Health Research
15310 Amberly Drive
Suite 350
Tampa, FL 33647
Tel: 813.975.8690
Fax: 813.975.8761

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Charlie Hathaway
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 11:37 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] DUNS numbers

Can anyone educate me on the possibility or advisability of a single
institution (i.e. single EIN) using different DUNS numbers for
purposes?  The specific issue is whether a single institution can or
should create a new DUNS number for the purpose of submitting federal
proposals and distinguishing submissions/grants from different
within the institution.
I have been told that sometimes this is done by adding a suffix (e.g.
-0001) to the existing number.
Anyone done this?
Charlie Hathaway

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