Re: Construction Grant Smith, Marjorie K. 03 Jun 2008 08:46 EST


To answer your question, the group will need more information. Which federal agency are you applying to? Are you requesting a federal earmark or responding to a competitive RFP? What sort of construction? Etc.

Best regards,
Karen Smith

M. Karen Smith

Grant Writer and Grants Administrator

Department of Family Medicine

James H. Quillen College of Medicine

East Tennessee State University

Box 70621

Johnson City, TN  37614-1709

Phone: (423) 439-4693

Fax: (423) 439-2440


From: Research Administration List on behalf of Newton, Debbie
Sent: Tue 6/3/2008 9:25 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Construction Grant

We are looking at submitting a proposal for a federal construction grant.  I'd appreciate any advice anyone could give who may be more familiar with this process (i.e. hints, suggestions, pitfalls to avoid, lessons learned, etc.).



Debbie Newton

Associate Director

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

The University of Tulsa

600 S College Avenue

Tulsa, OK  74104

Phone:  (918) 631-2192

Fax:  (918) 631-2073


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