Re: F&A Waivers Charlie Hathaway 20 May 2008 16:07 EST

Because the decision to waive F&A may be partly a function of the history
of indirect costs brought in by a specific individual, you may NOT want to
make up formal criteria that will end being used to demand a waiver that
doesn't make sense.


> Our institutional practice has always been to recover full F&A when we can
> and to accept what ever a specific sponsor allows (US DOE 85 mostly,
> foundations mostly 0%, etc.) we also from time to time have allowed
> waivers with strong justification. We are now attempting to place this
> into policy.
> Do any of you have policies which state when an F&A waiver is allowable
> and, if so, what the criteria are.
> Thanks.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Larry Waxler, Director
> Office of Sponsored Programs
> University of Southern Maine
> 5th Floor Bioscience Building
> P.O. Box 9300
> Portland, ME  04104-9300
> Telephone: 207-780-4413
> Telefax: 207-780-4927
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