WAWF training Stacey 19 Feb 2008 12:11 EST


Our University has been receiving several email invitations to attend a
training session regarding Wide Area Work Flow.  We have very recently
been introduced to WAWF and had to submit only one invoice using this
system so far.  However, as we understand it, in the very near future we
will be required to submit invoices via WAWF for all awards through the
Department of Defense and possibly other federal agencies.  We're
wondering if anyone has attended any of these training sessions, or
purchased any software for training purposes for the WAWF System?  What
training did you attend/purchase?  Was it beneficial?

Thanks in advance!

Stacey Corrigan
Senior Research Accountant
Michigan Technological University
906/487-2506 FAX 906/487-2245

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