cost-sharing/matching question
Kristy Ford 23 Jan 2008 13:28 EST
Can someone who is not an employee of an awardee organization have time/effort that is counted as part of the organization's in-kind contribution? For example, the organization I'm at, MHUMC, is awarded a grant that requires an in-kind contribution by the organization. A person from outside MHUMC works on a portion of the project with the project director and others and is not paid by MHUMC for the work. Can this person's time/effort count as part of our required in-kind contribution? I was under the impression that if MHUMC is required to commit the cost-sharing/matching that it must come from MHUMC employees' time/effort only. However, after browsing through others' policies regarding cost-sharing/matching, I'm not sure that I am correct. My organization is not under A-21. We fall under A-122 and 45 CFR 74, App E.
Kristy Ford
Grant Management Manager
Office of Sponsored Programs/MHUMC
4750 Waters Ave. Suite 212
Savannah, GA 31404
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