Re: Clinical Trials Management Jennifer Cocco 02 Nov 2007 12:44 EST

We use InfoEd's Clinical Trials and Human Subjects Management systems here
at NYUSOM.  The system enables our administrative offices to communicate
more effectively with each other and with the PIs and Departments.

Budgeting for industry-sponsored clinical trials are done through the Office of
Clinical Trials, a central research administration office also handling
contracting.  Budgets and contracts are stored in InfoEd’s CT system where
the depts and coordinators have immediate access to them.  Automatic
emailed alerts go out upon completion of these events.

Fiscal monitoring is a shared responsibility between the PI, department
administrator who monitors account deficits, and the OCT which is responsible
for invoicing based on enrollment/milestone objectives provided by the PI.
There is no central role for effort reporting done by the OCT at NYU related to
industry sponsored clinical trials.

Jennifer Cocco

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