If you exceed 25 pages, you'll receive the following warning message:
Submission Errors/Warning
(Embedded The Research Plan is limited to 25 pages. This may span 28 pages due to page breaks.
image moved If the total space occupied by text does not exceed 25 pages then no action is
to file: needed. - Warning
As long as the total text would fit within 25 pages, you are ok.
FYI, If you exceed 28 pages, then you'll receive an error message.
Hope this helps.
Donna DeLuca
Grant Administrator, Office of Sponsored Programs
Health Research, Inc
One University Place
Rensselaer, NY 12144-3447
PH (518) 431-1261
FAX (518) 431-1234
<xxxxxx@WINTHROP To
Sent by: Research cc
List Subject
<xxxxxx@hrinet. [RESADM-L] R01 Page Limits
10/05/2007 10:02
Please respond to
Discussion List
It's D-day again,
We have a grant going in that is 26 pages (6 extra lines in Rsch Design)
after breaking up into PDF's. The SF 424 instructions claim that they
won't count the "white space." In your experience, does this hold true, or
would we be better off having the page numbers match the required 25 pages?
From page I-20 of the Instructions.
While each section of the Research Plan needs to eventually be uploaded
separately, applicants are encouraged to construct the Research Plan as a
single document, separating sections into distinct PDF attachments just
before uploading the files. In this way the applicant can better monitor
formatting requirements such as page limits. When validating for page
limits, the eRA Commons will not count the white space created by breaking
the text into separate files for uploading.
Thank you.
Alexander Schoen
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Winthrop-University Hospital
222 Station Plaza North, Suite 510
Mineola, NY 11501
Phone: (516) 663-4931
Fax: (516) 663-9718
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