Re: Reputable grant writing course
Kristy Ford 03 Oct 2007 10:22 EST
Bob Lowman is wonderful at conducting grant writing seminars! However, he is located at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and will more than likely require that his travel expenses be paid for by your institution. He presented at Georgia Southern University while I was working there, and the presentation was excellent! He's very good.
Kristy Ford
Grant Management Manager
Office of Sponsored Programs/MHUMC
4750 Waters Ave. Suite 212
Savannah, GA 31404
>>> esteria miller <xxxxxx@YAHOO.COM> 10/3/2007 10:46 AM >>>
Hello All,
Our Sponsored Programs Office is looking for someone to facilitate a seminar for writing successful grants not only federally funded but non-federal as well. Does anyone have any good references that they would be willing to share?
We are located in Dallas, TX.
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