Re: NIH Policy Guidance Bonnie Kwit 20 Sep 2007 11:18 EST

This is from the NIH policy statement.

Compensation of Students
Tuition remission and other forms of compensation paid as, or in lieu of, wages to
students (including fellows and trainees) under research grants are allowable,
provided the following conditions are met:
􀂡 The individual is performing activities necessary to the grant
􀂡 Tuition remission and other forms of compensation are consistently provided, in
accordance with established institutional policy, to students performing similar
activities conducted in nonsponsored as well as in sponsored activities
􀂡 During the academic period, the student is enrolled in an advanced degree
program at a grantee or affiliated institution and the activities of the student in
relation to the federally sponsored research project are related to the degree
Charges for tuition remission and other forms of compensation paid to students as, or
in lieu of, salaries and wages are subject to the reporting requirements in section J.8.
of OMB Circular A-21, or an equivalent method for documenting the individual’s effort
on the research project. Tuition remission may be charged on an average rate basis.
NIH will determine the allowability and reasonableness of such compensation under a
grant on the basis of OMB Circular A-21 and its current operating guidelines.
The maximum amount NIH will award for compensation of a graduate student
receiving support from a research grant is tied to the zero-level Kirschstein-NRSA
stipend in effect when NIH issues the grant award (see current levels posted at
Payments made for educational assistance (e.g., scholarships, fellowships, and
student aid costs) may not be paid from NIH research grant funds even when they
would appear to benefit the research project.
Service Charges Allowable. The costs to a user of organizational services and central facilities owned

Bonnie Kwit
Grants & Contracts Officer
Oakland University
544 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-4116
-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Kran, Paul
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 11:55 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] NIH Policy Guidance

Hello everyone:

Teachers College is trying to establish a new policy for graduate
student funding, but I'm having a difficult time tracking clear NIH
policy guidelines in the areas I need it.  I've been operating on the
following assumptions:

--Policies governing compensation of graduate students paid from
research grants held by individual faculty members (R awards) are the
same as those which govern NRSA and other training grant programs
--Total compensation to graduate students in the form of stipends, funds
for fees/health insurance and tuition may not exceed the total stipend
ceiling for first year post docs as detailed in the current NRSA policy.

Is this correct?  And whether or not it is correct, can anyone direct me
to a CLEAR NIH policy statement on the matter?  I haven't been able to
find anything that does the trick on my own.

Thanks in advance.

Paul A. Kran, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
Teachers College, Columbia University
525 West 120th Street, Box 151
New York, NY 10027
v. 212.678.4106
f. 212.678.8110

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