Re: Contacting the Sponsor Amy E. Hibbard 16 Aug 2007 13:15 EST

Too true!

My boss loves to quote the Mark Twain line:

"There are lies, damn lies, and statistics."

Amy Hibbard
Assistant Director
Office of Research & Sponsored Programs
Cal Poly Pomona
3801 West Temple
Pomona, CA 91768
(909) 869-6929 Voice
(909) 869-2993 Fax

"Opportunity is missed by most people
because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
Thomas Alva Edison

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Robert Bienkowski
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Contacting the Sponsor

> I frequently trot out this line myself in proposal writing workshops,
> but I wonder... Can anyone actually provide a reference to the study

It is widely known that 50% of all statistics are made up on the spot by
the speaker (or the writer).

Bob Bienkowski
Robert S Bienkowski, PhD

-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Reynolds, Craig A." <xxxxxx@CMICH.EDU>
> Hi All,
> It's a widely held tenet of the profession that contacting program
> officers prior to submitting a proposal will increase the likelihood
> getting funded (I don't disagree), and many cite David Bauer's
> that "In a study of 10,000 federal proposals, the only variable that
> statistically significant in separating the funded and rejected
> proposals was pre-proposal contact with the funding source.  Chances
> success increase an estimated threefold when contact with the funding
> source takes place before the proposal is written."
> I frequently trot out this line myself in proposal writing workshops,
> but I wonder... Can anyone actually provide a reference to the study
> Bauer mentions?
> Craig
> --
> Craig Reynolds / Office of Research & Sponsored Programs /
> Central Michigan University / Foust 251 / Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 /
> T: 989.774.3859 / F: 989.774.3439 / E:
> <>
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