NIH requires two submissions of support during the granting process.
The first is the initial "Research Support" that is included as part of
the biosketch section of the application. "Research Support" "highlights
your accomplishments, and those of your colleagues, as scientists. This
information will be used by the reviewers in the assessment of each
individual's qualifications for a specific role in the proposed project,
as well as to evaluate the overall qualifications of the research team"
(NIH PHS 398 p.33). I am assuming that this is not what you are talking
" 'Other Support' information is required for all applications that are
selected to receive grant awards. NIH staff will request complete and
up-to-date "other support" information from you after peer review. This
information will be used to check that the proposed research has not
already been Federally-funded."
It is critical to note the necessity of this information is to ensure
that the funding coming from outside sources is not federal
flow-through. Additionally, this information allows NIH to see the
level of effort to which an individual is committed to extramural
research and thereby ensure that they will not be over-committed if the
pending award is made to the institution.
It is a good practice to list all extramural support for the faculty
member on his/her "Other Support".
Michael DeShazo, CRA
Budget/Fiscal Analyst Lead
Fiscal Compliance and Outreach, RAA
University of Washington, Box 351122
Team Email:
PH: (206) 616-6718
FX: (206) 543-0764
Iris Mondri-Kish said the following on 6/20/2007 2:03 PM:
> Hello.
> In updating JIT Other Support, what should be listed for commercial or
> Industry sponsored research? More specifically, we have a clinical
> researcher, an MD, who might get a subcontract on an NIH grant – his
> first. He has some commercial studies and does not consider them to be
> investigator-initiated and does not want them listed as other support
> because they are either minimal in dollars or they are based on patient
> accruals. In other words, they’re not set-up with a budget like an NIH
> grant would have. He can’t readily identify a budget etc. and he doesn’t
> feel that they are in “direct support of [his] research endeavors.” If
> anyone can provide me with their guidelines on how they consider
> commercial/industry/pharma studies when doing other support, I would
> appreciate it.
> Thanks!!
> Iris
> Iris Mondri-Kish
> Senior Grants & Contracts Analyst
> Benaroya Research Institute
> 1201 Ninth Avenue
> Seattle, WA 98101
> P: (206) 341-1581
> F: (206) 223-7543
> <>
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