Re: FAR 52.222-50, Combating Trafficking in Persons in NASA contracts
Bloomberg, Robert 04 Jun 2007 08:50 EST
The clause only applies to SERVICES contracts, not to R&D, which, as a University, I presume you are doing. Also, the Govt calling it a service contract does not per se make it one.
-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List []On Behalf
Of Monique Anderson
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2007 10:40 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] FAR 52.222-50, Combating Trafficking in Persons in
NASA contracts
Colleagues -
The University of Maryland is working on negotiating a NASA contract and
we have met terrific resistance on modifications to the subject FAR
clause, 52.222-50 Combating Trafficking in Persons, either deletion in
its entirety, or deviations (ONR, NIH, any other agencies so far?).
Have any of you run into this clause in NASA contracts and successfully
negotiated it out? Successfully included a deviation? If so, which
NASA center was it and what was the outcome?
Many thanks for your assistance.
Monique Anderson
Assistant Director
Office of Research Administration and Advancement
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
(301) 405-6272 phone
(301) 314-9569 fax
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