Advisory group charter- examples William Ploog 03 Jun 2007 22:05 EST


I am looking for examples of charters for an advisory group with the
following charges:

 1. Help establish an ongoing relationship between the research team,
 industry, and government sponsor
 2. • Provide guidance to the research team to insure their research
 is moving toward a viable solution
 3. • Help the team evaluate their technical work and make
 recommendations as to its applicability and operability
 4. • Advise the team on effective strategies for tech transfer and
 knowledge dissemination

Thank you. Please go ahead and contact me directly at

William Ploog, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Office of Sponsored Projects
Dartmouth College
11 Rope Ferry Rd. #6210
Hanover, NH 03755-1404

(603) 646-3682
fax  (603)646-3670

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