Re: Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreements Sharp, William C 13 Mar 2007 16:43 EST


The COGR publication on "Export Controls and Universities: Information
and Case Studies" states:

"Form 2345 is the Department of Defense (DoD)method of controlling
dissemination of information that is in DoD's possession. It becomes an
agreement to secure DoD approval prior to dissemination of the
information and restricts access based on citizenship status. Projects
using such information may then not qualify for the fundamental research
exemption." (p. 44)

We had to turn away an award last year that included reference to the DD
Form 2345 in the BAA and included DFARS 252.204.7000 and AMFCFARS
5352.227.9000 in the proposed contract. We were unsuccessful in
negotiating them out.

William Sharp, Ph.D.
Director of Research Integrity
Office of the Vice Provost for Research
The University of Kansas
(785) 864-7430
(785) 864-5272 fax


From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Altieri, Joanne [PRV/R]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 4:21 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreements

Has anyone had to sign one of these agreements (DD Form 2345)?  This
apparently restricts unclassified militarily critical technology from
public disclosure.  Looks like a direct agreement to waive our
fundamental research exemption to me.  If anyone has familiarity with
this, I would appreciate your feedback (on- or off-line).

Joanne K. Altieri, Director

Office of Sponsored Programs Administration

1138 Pearson Hall

Iowa State University

Ames, IA 50011-2207

Phone:  (515) 294-7723

Fax:  (515) 294-8000

Email: <>

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