In a recent helpful note, Sheri from NIH wrote
R&R Budget Form and DUNS Numbers
NIH has recently received a flurry of inquiries about the requirement
to include a DUNS number in the R&R budget form. Here’s the scoop.
The Research & Related Budget form is used to provide detailed budget
information. “Organization DUNS” is a required field on this form.
The form also includes a required “Budget Type” field with check
boxes for “Project” or “Subaward/Consortium”.
When the prime applicant fills out this form, they check the
“Project” checkbox. The DUNS number for the applicant organization
is prepopulated from the SF424 R&R Cover component. The eRA Commons
does a validation that compares the DUNS number of the applicant
organization provided in the application with the DUNS number in the
eRA Commons Institutional Profile. It is critical that the DUNS
numbers match in order for application processing to continue. If
they do not match, an Error will be given and processing will stop.
The same Research & Related Budget form is used for each subaward/
consortium organization. The prime applicant uses the R&R Subaward
Budget Attachment form to generate a copy of the Research & Related
Budget form that can be sent to the subaward/consortium organization,
filled out, sent back to the prime and attached to the R&R Subaward
Budget Attachment form.
When the subaward/consortium organization fills out the form they
select the “Subaward/Consortium” checkbox for the Budget Type.
Ideally we would expect all subaward/consortium organizations to have
a DUNS number. However, while the field is a required field (i.e.
something needs to be entered) neither nor NIH currently
validates on the accuracy of that field at the subaward level. For
subaward organizations, eRA Commons only validates that the DUNS
field contains a value and that value is not the same DUNS number
provided by the prime applicant. At this time eRA Commons does not do
any further validations on the accuracy of this number. So (for now),
if a subaward/consortium organization is unable to secure a DUNS in
time, then a value of nine zeros can be entered in the DUNS field on
the subaward/consortium budget form. Note, however, that Federal
requirements for reporting on subawards are changing and NIH may need
to tighten up the subaward DUNS validation at some point in the
future. For now, the workaround can be used without any threat to the
processing of the application.
Others have asked if all subaward/consortium organizations also
require registration in CCR, and the eRA Commons. At this
time subaward/consortium organizations need only complete these other
registration processes if they intend to also become an applicant
On Mar 1, 2007, at 1:55 PM, Danielle McElwain wrote:
Does anyone know if it is possible to submit an NIH proposal through when the foreign subrecipient doesn't have a DUNS
number? Is there a way to mark it pending and still have NIH/ accept the proposal?
Danielle McElwain, CRA
Research Development Office
University of South Carolina
901 Sumter Street, 5th Floor
Columbia, SC 29208
Phone (803) 777-2885
Fax (803)777-4136
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