Elegant solution! I like it and will give it a try.
And I agree wholeheartedly with you about not wishing to encourage the funding agency's approach on this. All in all, I have found their instructions to applicants rather annoying and, in some cases, just plain wrong. For instance, they indicate that applicants can retrieve the application forms through grants.gov by using the funding opportunity number. I tried it, and the forms are not retrievable with this approach. I have to use the CFDA number, and then I am taken to a screen with a selection of two different application form sets, and I have to know which one I'm supposed to get. Before I discovered this, I sent an email message to the program officer, asking when the forms would be available, and I have gotten no reply. It's been six business days now.
Then, there is this sentence in the instructions to applicants which was the icing on the cake: "[funding agency] requires original signatures on certain application documents. Therefore, you must submit a signed paper original of face page (SF 424) and a hard copy of other required documentation that cannot be submitted electronically." Nowhere do the instructions identify what is meant by "certain application documents" or "other required documentation."
I think I'm getting cranky. I'll stop.
Thanks, Bob.
Molly Daniel
Grants Specialist
Planning Department
Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center
1000 Health Center Drive
Mattoon, IL 61938
tel. 217.258.2195
fax 217.258.4135
email: xxxxxx@sblhs.org
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Research Administration List
> [mailto:xxxxxx@hrinet.org]On Behalf
> Of Robert Beattie
> Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 12:50 PM
> To: xxxxxx@hrinet.org
> Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] SF 424 (R&R) ver 2 in fillable PDF format?
> If you will not use grants.gov for the submission, and thus
> encourage
> agencies to flaunt OMB guidelines, why not use the Viewer to prepare
> the application, print to pdf, edit that file, then print?
> Then even
> "white-out" sections you want blank.
> Bob
> xxxxxx@umich.edu
> On Feb 9, 2007, at 12:34 PM, Molly Daniel wrote:
> Does there exist online anywhere an interactive PDF format
> for the SF
> 424 (R&R) version 2 forms? Our funding agency allows application via
> the traditional paper process but provides the forms only in
> either a
> PureEdge Viewer format via grants.gov or in a non-interactive PDF
> format via their agency website.
> If I use the PureEdge forms but submit a paper copy, then signature
> lines are pre-filled with "completed by Grants.gov upon submission,"
> and certain fields do not allow entry of information in the same way
> that the paper forms would permit (e.g., box 16 in the SF 424 cover
> -- list of additional Congressional Districts). We prefer to submit
> via paper since the agency requires hard-copy signatures to be
> submitted even if we did submit via grants.gov.
> Thus... I am searching for the interactive PDF version of the SF 424
> (R&R) ver. 2.0 so I don't have resort to a (eegad!)... TYPEWRITER.
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Molly Daniel
> Grants Specialist
> Planning Department
> Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center
> 1000 Health Center Drive
> Mattoon, IL 61938
> tel. 217.258.2195
> fax 217.258.4135
> email: xxxxxx@sblhs.org
> http://www.sarahbush.org
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