Re: Help needed with another Grants.Gov mystery
Plotkin, Pamela T. 01 Feb 2007 16:18 EST
Many thanks for your info. I never did find the file you mentioned on my computer, nor did I solve the mystery. Myra Norman from Middle TN State U tells me she too is unable to submit to on her computer and has to go to another computer in her office to make it happen. Maybe it's a Tennessee thing.
I have another question for you - I'm working from home today due to icy roads and my computer has windows xp, correct version of pureedge, pop-ups enabled, using Internet explorer. I submitted an NIH proposal to and all went well until I reached the point where the submission confirmation page was supposed to pop up. What did pop up was a blank page with the extension /cached_file.xfdl
I am checking periodically to see if they received the application package or not. Nothing yet.
Do you know if the blank page I viewed was in fact the submission confirmation? I tried searching for it on my computer, but couldn't find it. One last question for you is, where exactly on my computer would this file reside? I searched my hard drive but it was not there.
Thanks again for your help. Much appreciated.
From: Research Administration List on behalf of Robert Beattie
Sent: Wed 1/31/2007 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Help needed with another Grants.Gov mystery
A situation like this occurred with an earlier version of the IBM
Viewer for the Mac. If you are using a non-Mac it might be the
same. The program created a the submission page as a file in a
folder in the viewer folder.
Search your computer for a file named
Open this file to get the submission validation screen.
Otherwise I suggest you transfer the application to another computer
and submit again.
On Jan 31, 2007, at 12:13 PM, Plotkin, Pamela T. wrote:
I just hit "submit" on an electronic grant application package to the
ED via and instead of opening up a confirmation page after
I hit submit, the application package closed, nothing appeared on my
screen (other than my lovely desktop picture.)
Has any one out there had this twilight zone experience?
Any help appreciated. I do have 4 hours and 15 minutes to solve the
Best wishes,
Pamela Plotkin, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President for Research and
Director of Sponsored Programs
East Tennessee State University
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Box 70565
Johnson City, TN 37614-1707
phone: 423-439-6000
fax: 423-439-6050
Our Faculty are the people who deliver on all aspects of ETSU's
mission - the rest of us are here only to help them get that job done.
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