Re: Dependent tuition for fringe rates
Lawrence Waxler 24 Jan 2007 09:53 EST
We do have two rates - one which we apply to all contracts and
grants/externally funded programs regardless of source, and one which is
used for internally funded/designated programs/projects.
We use the same rate for all externally funded programs as there are
oftentimes programs funded by parties that are receiving Federal funds
which are not made known to us. For example, our State government
receives various Federal block grants which they pass through to us
sometimes without specific identification. We determined that it was
easier, less risky, and more consistent to apply a single rate to all
externally funded programs.
Our internal rate, which is slightly higher, does include a component
for dependent tuition waivers.
All externally funded programs reside in a separate ledger, again
regardless of source, from internally funded programs and only have the
external benefit rate applied.
Your observation that institutions having one rate may not offer
dependent tuition waivers may be correct.
Larry Waxler, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
University of Southern Maine
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, ME 04104-9300
Telephone: 207-780-4413
Telefax: 207-780-4927
>>> Linda Manley <xxxxxx@MUOHIO.EDU> 1/24/2007 8:47 AM >>>
Hello to everyone:
My question is in regards to fringe benefit rates. As I understand
it, A21 f.(2) states that "tuition benefits for family members other
than the employee are unallowable........". My observations by
looking at other universities websites, are that some have 2 fringe
benefit rates (Federal vs. Non-Federal) and some do not. Should I
assume that if they do not have 2 rates, it is because their
university does not offer dependent tuition remission? My second
question is how do you begin to identify whether a dependent fee
belongs to a faculty/staff that will be charged to a grant? And
furthermore, to a Federal grant? We currently use Banner and I'm not
sure how we go about tracking this.
Any information on the matter of 2 rates would be beneficial to me as
I gather an understanding. Thanks.
Linda Manley
Grants & Contracts Coordinator
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio 45056
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