We are working on processes for cost transfers, and are seeking your
advice on whether there are exceptions to the 90 day rule:
* Are there justifiable execptions to the 90 day policy?
* If there are justifiable exceptions, who do you have approve them?
* What do you do when a late (over 90 days) cost transfer reduces the
federal obligation (expense) on an award?
* What do you do when a late cost transfer relates only to non
awards - are you more lenient?
* What do you do when a late cost transfer, if not processed,
effectively increases the PI residual on a fixed fee (for example, a
clinical trial) award?
You input is greatly appreciated!!
Linda Ward
Grant Accounting Supervisor
Research Administration 35-123A
Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota
2910 Centre Pointe Dr.
Roseville, MN 55113
651-855-2690 Fax
email: xxxxxx@childrensmn.org
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