Re: PureEdge Viewer for Macs question Robert Beattie 10 Jan 2007 15:29 EST

Here is a quick response to Leanne's question.  Maybe somebody who is
on top of this has an illustrated set of instructions she could post
for us.
To find the IBM program to open applications with Mac:

Go here

IBM Mac Viewer Status - New Release Available

click on that


IBM Workplace Forms (PureEdge) Viewer for Macintosh Availability
IBM has made available a pre-release version of their IBM Workplace
Forms (PureEdge) Viewer for Macintosh. The software is available on
the Download Software page.

(this text has not been revised, as it is not now a "pre-release
version" for, anyway.

Click on

"Download Software"

Go here.  Ignore "occasional crashes -- loss of data"  that is true
of PureEdge too :)


IBM Workplace Forms (PureEdge) Viewer for Macintosh

IBM has provided Special Edition Mac Viewers for PPC and Intel that
are now available for download. You may wish to use this software if
you do not have access to a Windows machine, Windows emulation
software, or the Citrix server. Please note that limitations of this
early release software may include:

Occasional crashes and subsequent loss of any unsaved data
Inability to run on Mac OS version prior to 10.4.6
No current support for screen readers for visually impaired users
The viewer is installed at the root level of the user account home
directory. (e.g. /Users/jsmith/). Do not move the application folder
to any other location as it will not work.
Please consider these limitations and warnings and also read the
release notes carefully before using this software. We will provide
additional information on commercial releases of this product as they
become available.

Click here to download the Release Notes.

Click here to download the License.

Click here to download the Intel-based software.

Click here to download the PPC-based software.


The release notes are not up to date.  Click on the Mac version you
have.  Just follow the download like any other such download for a
Mac.  Needs Admin Level control to install

One thing to remember, when I did a download of grant application, it
did not then open automatically.  You may be asked if you want to
open in adobe. Instead save to hard drive, where you can find the
application.  Then drag the saved application onto the Viewer program
in your dock.  Or you can open the viewer program, and then find it
through the "File" menu.  I could not always double click on the
grant application to open it.

Hope this helps.


On Jan 10, 2007, at 1:54 PM, Leanne Every wrote:

Bob - can you send me the URL for the new Mac software?  I looked on
the G.g website but want to be sure I am pointing people in the right


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