Re: SNAFU Carolyn Cook 03 Jan 2007 12:08 EST

Andy -

Our university has experienced this exact scenario as well.  We also are in the process of setting up and testing our InfoEd system-to-system interface.

The problem was resolved by contacting the Grants.Gov HelpDesk.  They informed me that the problem was caused by the setup process, and they were able to "re-link" our profiles to our DUNS numbers.  No re-registering was required.  The only other action on our part was to make sure that we registered our certificate (CSR) as an AOR in Grants.Gov (see step 18 of InfoEd's "Configuration Steps for Grants.Gov S2S Submission" document).

If you have further questions, please feel free to email or call.

Carolyn Cook

Oregon Health & Science University
Research Grants & Contracts, Operations Manager
(503) 494-5438

Carolyn M. Cook
Operations Manager, Research Grants & Contracts
Oregon Health & Science University
Phone:  503-494-5438

>>> xxxxxx@UNH.EDU 1/3/2007 6:25 AM >>>

Our University has recently experienced something new from
that you may be interested in. Please let me know if anyone has
experienced the following and how it was resolved.

For some reason all of us here that were registered as AOR's and have
submitted applications in the past are no longer affiliated with the
University. When we log into and check our profile we are
still listed as AOR's but with no Duns # and we are still able to review
the status of past applications submitted under UNH's Duns #! Because
the individual AOR's have no Duns # we are unable to submit any
applications, we receive an error message.

We are concerned that if we re-register we may loose our list of past
applications submitted which are stored under the AOR's name rather than
Duns #.

This may have been precipitated by our testing of the InfoEd electronic
application system that was run against the test environment at

We are talking with and the credentialing organization as we
have proposals due this week! So far no one is taking ownership of our

Any and all input would be apprecviated

Andy Shepard, CRA
Office of Sponsored Research
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 0384-3585
Phone: (603) 862-2436
Fax: (603) 862-3564

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Michael DeShazo
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] FAR Regulations

Ms. Cox,
I mildly confused.  I'd say, that if you are under a federal cooperative

agreement, then you would want flow down the appropriate, relavent GRANT

provisions - not FAR clauses.  FAR clauses would be flowed down if you
were the recipient of a federal CONTRACT that was under a FAR and you
were subsequently having a subcontractor take on some of that work.

Michael DeShazo, CRA
Budget/Fiscal Analyst Lead
Fiscal Compliance and Outreach, RAA
University of Washington, Box 351122

Team Email:

PH: (206) 616-6718
FX: (206) 543-0764


Cox, Brenda said the following on 12/22/2006 1:19 PM:
> Can anyone tell me under what circumstances FAR Part 31Contract Cost
> Principals and Procedures should be used.  We (a nonprofit) are
> preparing to issue a subcontract to a commercial entity under our
> federal cooperative agreement and our agreement states that flow
> provisions must be included.  We're trying to figure what flow through

> provisions are appropriate.
> Thanks.
> Brenda Cox
> Director, Grants and Contracts
> Railroad Research Foundation
> 50 F Street NW
> Washington, DC  20001-1564
> 202-639-2110
> 202-639-5513 Fax
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