subcontracting to a federal agency William H. Ploog 28 Nov 2006 08:45 EST


We  have a plenty of experience subcontracting federal funds to  FFRDCs,
especially to the DOE research labs.  These labs can take on projects
outside of their specific federal scope, but must have the funding on
hand. In some cases the subcontract agreement must be their own
template.  No major problems.


William Ploog, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Office of Sponsored Projects
Dartmouth College
11 Rope Ferry Rd. #6210
Hanover, NH 03755-1404

(603) 646-3682
fax  (603)646-3670

I am conducting research on organizations which have subcontracted to a
federal agency's research arm.  Have you had experience doing this?  We
are looking at applying to a foundation for funding and one of our
collaborators will be within in a federal agency.  The agency
collaborator indicated he is not sure they can received funding.
Alternately what about collaborations where the funds from one federal
agency might be awarded to an institution and then subcontracted to
another federal agency.

Are you aware of any federal restrictions limiting this type of activity?

Seems like a pretty basic question, but it is like researching the null


*Kris Rhodes MS, CRA*
*Director, Grants Administration*
*Wake Forest University Health Sciences *
*Phone:  336-716-3019*


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