Establishment of Multiple Principal Investigator Awards for the Support of Team Science Projects Wil Emmert 20 Nov 2006 10:53 EST

Implementing the Multiple Principal Investigator Policy:  Beginning
with research grant applications submitted for February 2007 receipt
dates, the NIH will allow applicants and their institutions to
identify more than one Principal Investigator (PI).  The Multiple PI
option will be extended to most research grant applications
submitted electronically through (
using the SF424 R&R application package.

Accompanied by new Parent R01 version 2a which will accomodate the
multiple PI option.

Wil Emmert, CRA
Research Administration
Western Michigan University
2303 Friedmann Hall
1903 West Michigan Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5340
269-387-1576  FAX:  269-387-3999
Write the bad things that are done to you in the sand,
but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble.
-Arabian adage

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