Re: Post Doctoral Stipend Seda Galstian 06 Nov 2006 11:19 EST

Hi Amy,
It depends on what the person was doing after getting the MD. If
he/she did research then that would count towards the years of
experience but if they practiced medicine and only after getting PhD
became PostDoc then you count after 2001. You need to look at the Biosketch/CV.

At 02:09 PM 10/31/2006, you wrote:
>We are trying to determine the stipend level of a post doc to be
>appointed to a T32 NIH training grant.  Generally speaking the level
>of the their annual stipend is based on the number of years of
>experience, which in turn we have calculated as the number of years
>out the person is since receiving his/her M.D. or Ph.D. We have an
>individual who received an M.D. in 1996 and a Ph.D in in 2001. Has
>anyone had a situation like this, and if so, how were the number of
>years of post doctoral experience calculated?
>Amy M. Boehm, MHA, CRA
>Grant & Contract Administrator
>Medical University of South Carolina
>Research & Sponsored Programs
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Seda Galstian
Sr. Grants and Contracts Specialist
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
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WMC Box 89
New York, NY 10021

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