Re: PI review of circulars Michael DeShazo 27 Oct 2006 08:44 EST

May I ask for clarification on what is meant by "formally compare the
equipment expenditures against OMB Circular A-21"?

In addition I'd like to make a comment.  Maybe its my naïveté, but are
there not a few other benchmarks against which one measures allowability
other than A-21, e.g. institutional policy?

Michael DeShazo, CRA
Budget/Fiscal Analyst Lead
Fiscal Compliance and Outreach, RAA
University of Washington, Box 351122

Team Email:

PH: (206) 616-6718
FX: (206) 543-0764


Linda Manley said the following on 10/27/2006 6:18 AM:
> Hello:
> We are currently having discussions with our auditors regarding an A-133
> comment. In this instance, even though the only expenditures for the
> grant were equipment related, and approved by the agency (grant has
> since closed and we have written letter from agency stating all terms
> and conditions of the grant were met), the auditors felt that the PI
> should have _formally _compared the equipment expenditures against OMB
> Circular A-21.  They also feel that we should monitor all PI's on a
> periodic basis to ensure that the formal review of both A21 and A-133
> compliance is met. My questions to all of you: How do other universities
> educate the PI's on the requirements of Circular A-133 & A-21? And how
> do you verify or prove that the PI is actually comparing expenditures to
> Circular A-21 allowable/unallowables. Any feedback would be greatly
> appreciated. Thanks.
> “/You must give some time to your fellow man. Even if it's a little
> thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but
> the privilege of doing it/." - Albert Schweitzer
> *Linda Manley*
> Grants & Contracts Coordinator
> Miami University
> Grants & Contracts Department
> 7 Roudebush Hall
> Oxford, OH 45056-3653
> (513) 529-5405- work phone
> (513) 529-0441 - fax
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