Re: Effort on a project Elsa Nadler 05 Oct 2006 08:47 EST

This is convoluted. But first, the lawyer's interpretation is correct.
He is working on the project at another university (where he has some
kind of appointment) and that work is part of his appointment at
University X and has nothing to do with the national lab, so his time on
it is purely his time as a faculty member at University X and his
percentage time at the national lab is still 100%... Look at it as if he
were doing repairs on his house on his own time; it has nothing to do
with the national lab or his time there.

NSF is rather specific about NOT using cost-sharing. It is not clear
what kind of appointment he has at University X, but his time/whatever
on the grant application should be some percentage of that, not his
national lab time.  Is he adjunct and unpaid there? The venue of the
actual work can be anywhere. Does the national lab have equipment and
facilities that University X does not have and that are essential to the
project? It is conceivable that the grant, if awarded, should or could
reimburse the national lab for use of laboratory space and facilities
(if that is legally possible). Am I throwing a monkey wrench into the
equation? Also, the national lab director should probably provide some
kind of approval for all this to occur.

The fly in the ointment is being sure that he does NOT use is national
lab TIME to work on the project for University X...

Does this help or hinder?
 Elsa Nadler

Elsa G. Nadler, EdD
Grants Manager
Department of Community Medicine
1 Medical Center Drive
PO Box 9190
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506-9190

Tel: 304/293-3546
Fax: 304/293-6685

>>> Carolyn Elliott-Farino <xxxxxx@KENNESAW.EDU> 10/5/2006 9:27 AM
Why is he cost sharing on an NSF proposal? It's not usually required,
nor even encouraged. I don't know if the lawyer is correct, but my
instincts mirror yours * how can work done at your institution have
nothing to do with you? If the work were done at the university on a
consultant basis, maybe, but if they're using your facilities, you're
involved. I think. Somehow. Aren't you?

>>> xxxxxx@BNL.GOV 10/4/2006 3:50:41 PM >>>

Hi, everyone.  I have a 100% scientist who is using his joint
appointment at a local university to process an NSF grant application.
The award will remain at the university as we are not eligible for NSF
funds since we're a national laboratory.  He wants to put down
cost-shared effort on the application.  Under U.S. Dept of Energy
regulations (which governs us), an employee is not permitted to cost

Question:  If the PI wants to put down unreimbursed effort on the award
held by the local university, how do we manage his effort here at the
lab?  My first inclination is that he would have to reduce his effort
here in order to keep his total effort to 100%.  In speaking with our
lawyers, the PI learned that what he does at the other institution has
nothing to do with us.

The project will take place 100% at our facility.  Is the lawyer's
interpretation correct?  It just doesn't sit well with me....

thanks for your input.


Kristina Duryea
Departmental Grants Administrator
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Biology Department, Bldg. 463
Upton, NY  11973-5000
631-344-7850 voice
631-344-6398 fax

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